
第35期 武汉光电青年论坛

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2021年10月09日  点击量:

时  间:2021年10月12日 15:00-16:30

地  点:光电信息大楼 C112

报告人:胡光维 博士,新加坡国立大学

邀请人:张新亮 教授,华中科技大学



Multiphysics Nanophotonics With Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials



10月获得同单位博士学位,导师为Cheng-Wei Qiu 和Andrea Alù, 于2016年7月在哈尔滨工业大学物理系获得本科学位。现研究兴趣在于将超材料和超表面结合,开发多物理纳米光子学平台,并发展非线性、谷电子学、激元、拓扑、旋转光学等领域的新理念和应用。胡光维博士已发表超过50篇论文,包括3篇一作(含共一)Nature,1篇Nature Photonics, 4篇Nature Communications, 1篇PRL(通讯),3篇Light: Science & Application等, 其研究被选物理世界为2020年年度十大发现、2021年光学会(Optica, 前美国光学会)年度报道、科技日报等众多平台报道。获得Light: Science & Application评为2020年光学未来之星, 新加坡国立大学校长奖学金等荣誉。

Dr. Guangwei Hu (胡光维) is a Research Fellow in ECE Department of National University of Singapore (NUS). He obtained PhD degree from NUS in Oct. 2020, mentored by Prof. Cheng-Wei Qiu and Prof. Andrea Alù, and the B.S. from Physics in Harbin Institute Technology in July 2016. His current research interests are developing multiphysics nanophotonic platforms by combining metamaterials/metasurfaces with low-dimensional quantum nanomaterials for nonlinear, valleytronic, polaritonic, topological, twistronic and other new concepts and applications. He has published more than 50 papers, including 3 in Nature (first/co-first author), 1 in Nature Photonics, 4 in Nature Communications, 1 in PRL (corresponding author) and many others. His work has been featured as Top 10 Breakthrough in Physics of 2020, Optics and Photonics News (Year of Optics in 2021), Science and Technology Daily (科技日报) and many others. He received the Rising Star of Light in 2020 by Light: Science & Applications and NUS President’s Graduate Fellowships.

报告摘要 (Abstract):


Studying and manipulating the light-matter interactions are central in modern optics. Exploring the exotic functional optical materials and establishing new devices are one of its most important topics. In this background, photonic crystals, metamaterials, and metasurfaces have provided a new pathway towards novel optoelectronic platforms via the artificial structuring. Meanwhile, the emerging low-dimensional natural nanomaterials also offer exciting optical properties. In this talk, I will briefly discuss how to connect different physics of low-dimensional natural materials with metamaterials and metasurfaces to develop the novel Multiphysics photonic platforms. I will also discuss their enabling applications in nonlinear optics, plasmonics, phonon polaritonics and other fields.
